Monday 16 November 2009

Drawer Concept

Just Whack'd this together in an hour just trying to get an idea of Sam's drawing and what not. Kinda like this though and am thinking its looking alright. Attempting to get the style correct was not too difficult with an in-animate object such as this one however I feel it may be quite the opposite when it comes to actually modelling and rigging the character. And may well be a whole other kettle of fish when it comes to the texturing. Luckily thats where Spence should be coming in and aiding our team slightly. As he is freelancing we will have to chase him down and get him to do our work for us, giving him enough notice is priority as he is a very busy guy with all his paintings :)


Stewart Bull said...

may as well be a final model dude

dwshufflebotham said...

i'll probably re-do it... with a slightly more detailed model because theres a few areas that look a bit funky still on this version. Will use it as a basis though most likely.
