So yeah... we got the Rave Live submission in A-Ok. We have an uncompressed copy of the trailer - although its not the BEST animation in the world we can now improve on that. We had actually animated 1 fifth of the film in just a couple of days - GO TEAM!!! WOOP WOOP! looks like this film is getting made. Mind you it seemed to JUST be me rendering currently.... and the rendering was all done FULLY - (not right) Simon made me realise that we should be having stills behind our character to cut down the rendering time - why render out 100 frames of the same image... SILLY. so yeh we are doing that. I had done it once in the previous renders but it just DIDN'T click until I had finished rendering most of them lol. Nevermind - Ben was a tricky one to find - had a heavy night I believe at the Rave Live fundraiser - but we still got it in to him pre- Industry Day happenings.
Industry Day - networking opportunity and obviously a change to get the Degree show invites out.... well not the invites but we can hand out the business Cards we have currently - cheers Chelsea - she... and Jodie came through and we got a stash of them now. Handed some to Jared as I saw him walking past. I gave one to the young lady from Media Molecule (I keep forgetting her name), Simon was offering one to Splash Damage and then finally I managed to give one to the lead lecturer (think hes a journalist) while Sam was giving another to the gentleman from EA! Woop. The lecture itself was unfortunately very similar to everything we had heard before but - obviously all very relevant to all the 3rd years and anyone attempting to find work now. I think it kind of dawned on a few people in the lecture that WE are not 3rd years.... WE need to find jobs.... Obviously one man was not afraid to jump out of his seat at the end - JB like a rocket up there to speak to them... elbows raised (I joke) but he was pretty quick off the mark I'll tell you that... a lil like road runner ... pretty sure I heard a MEEP MEEP as well.
But yeah.... thats all cool... now just gotta perfect some animations I've already done - DO all that After Effects magic again I did for the trailer - as well as a SHITE load more problems to deal with I'm sure.
I'm not going to lie - I didn't pick up the animation book - Dan Dalli was talking about - I'm starting to feel a bit **** about that tbh. I asked Sam to help me out ... he said yes but I could tell he wasn't feeling it ... so I told him not to worry. I just wish we had an up to date list ... or we just DIDN'T have Mike Smiths list (that was already dated.... and told us our list was dated....bah) nevermind - misunderstanding on all our parts I'm sure. So I'll get on that after some naps and snoozes over the weekend and obviously....a HELL load of work.
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