Saturday and I went into Rave today.
Bah. I set off a number of renders ... I've just been working with the first one - Shot 5. Doesn't look too bad and I'm laying it up ok (I think) but I could do with some Z-depth / DOF ... not sure tbh. Managed to use the Indoor Occlusion... and Shadow Pass and Colour pass... and Diffuse Pass... but Z-depth I shall need to learn....
The shot above obviously doesn't have the fan in it atm ... was going to Pre-compose it and move it into the next section....bt didnt get that far as I got bored with it.
I have also set off shot 1 - which is taking AGES and have started preparing shot 16. Figured instead of doing them in order I'm going to do MY shots for once as currently I feel I need to work a little harder and am letting the team down - need to get cracking with my animation as well which I will hopefully be doing tomorrow.
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