Wednesday, 19 May 2010

It would appear

Only myself and Stewart came in today... I was struggling to cope sending off all the files on my own - as well as tweaking the lighting for them. Sam had an MOT... which takes any normal car an hour - but him all day... Because Sams car had an MOT - this meant Josh would obviously not come in as he would have to travel on his own!!! - Ferhan ... havn't a clue where he was but he did say that he couldn't make it in... so thats fair enough I suppose - he works hard so all is cool. Spencer - no sign from him today... we tried to get him to animate ... gave him shots... even though we wanted him to - we forced him to move the lil guy...he says he has done... but won't show us a preview.. anything would have been better to work with eg a BLOCK out rather than nudda.

Now he is writing on the Blog that we are all doing well and to keep it up... and for us to get all the rendering done so that he can come in and composite it together... which is a bit annoying - he is expecting us to not only animate all the shots... light them, reassign textures on Vanguard... check they are looking correct in terms of framing and cameras.... set them off to the render Farm... and then he'll come in at the end and grade them... obviously WE ... as in Sam, myself and Ferhan have to check them all or we might get the feeling that the words...'pointless me coming in today then really huh?' might pop up.... just feels a bit awkward at the moment.

The team however is working well other than that. We all have our ups and downs but I think we be doing well :)

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