Wednesday, 28 April 2010

My Days Progress

I was in college all day today. We had a lecture from Frontier Games and Dave came up to talk to the few third years that were around. He seemed like a nice guy which was good. Unfortunately Dave missed Gnomes, Red Rock, and the recently abandoned Dummy due to the lack of people in on a Tuesday. Still I invited him to the degree show and hopefully he'll be another contact to come along. Mike said he had seen our submission for Rave Live 2010. I personally wasn't happy with it - a number of shots missing and the timing a little off - animation a bit dodgy as well - but we've been working on that for the last 4 days and I think we now have a MUCH better standard to render off I'm happy to say.

Other News:
Website is almost done now. Spent about .... 12 hours straight - with a few breaks of leaving college and driving and eating food and drinking and.... you know... a few 5min breaks.... but I've been altering things today on the website. Its finally taking shape - We now have e-mail addresses of the Directors except for Red Rock as I have still received nothing from them for their project page so I figured no point in doing anything for them if they aren't bothered.

Final things to do still .... add personal contact pages E-mail Address for each person under the project and sort out whats happening about a number of people.... eg Quirke, PB (believe he's left now unfortunately). Also have to contact Max AGAIN to get those top heads up the top for animation. Mind you I believe that if he doesn't do it by Friday - there will be extra images as Sarah is planning some doings with me tonight about extra photos for the site.

Anyway... enough about what I HAVE done... now what I haven't....
I feel bad for the team that I have been doing only 'admin' style stuff and NO animation or rendering or anything. I haven't been animating today or Monday too much - feels like I've done bugger all this week so I just felt that I should apologise... I'm finding time to criticise and tell people exactly whats wrong with their animations but I don't seem to be able to sit down and do any myself. I think I should be doing it along with the team - getting as much done as possible.

Tomorrow I'm going to be 90% Animation (I hope). Its going to be a LONG day lol.
Sam finally posted up some images of the exterior texture. There are a number of colour changes I personally would make as at the moment the eye is drawn to the wrong locations... but I'm sure Sam is now aware of this and will be fixing it over the next day or so.
Still waiting for Spencer to get back to us about the textures of the room - the FINAL version. He says its finished however we still don't have them. He said he would bring them in Monday however he didn't come in. Hopefully he'll pop in tomorrow (Wednesday) as Ferhan and I are planning to do a LONG day of animation which will be good.

Oh and before I forget I have finally picked up a copy of 2009 Imagine Animation Directory considering that Dan Dalli was going on about. Just got to open the first page and get some good companies interested. Going to call in Sam and Simon I think and get them to give me a hand too - speak to James Taylor tomorrow about an e-mail going out from Inside Out - possibly or whatever it would be sending it out... send this to companies to spark an interest and have a browse round the site... the NICE AND SHINY WORKING SITE!!!!

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