Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Shot List

Today Sam and I started to consider all the different shots so we knew exactly what we were doing with our time and how to hand out different areas of the film. It also puts us into perspective into what we need to do. We have 9.2 weeks left now. Thats not a lot. We have to get cracking asap to get this film done!

Shot Sequence List

Possible Shots
Hallway opening low shot. Key into door and open door. (from Dan’s Animatic)

Sequence we have worked on:
1. Black – open door – silhouette
2. Low angle walk to past (hallway)
3. NAME? ‘In association with JC and SB’
4. Low angle walk to table ready to lift briefcase.
5. High angle Fan shot – Case on table and open
6. NAME? ‘With FK and SH’
7. Close up on inside case as hitman picks up parts.
8. Main attachment of gun put together
9. Silencer Screw on – close up
10. Scope attachment - close up
11. NAME? ‘Music by LT’
12. Close up of Face out of window.
13. Motel scan around through wooden boards
14. NAME? ‘Directed by SS and DS’
15. BEV above gun TITLE integrated behind.
16. Prepare to look down scope – eye in scope.
17. POV Scope scan around and flick in zoom in on target in chair.

18. Over the shoulder of chair at TV – News Report – Pan round as Chinese goes down and bottle goes up. Pan 120 degrees Clockwise and drink bottle.
19. Mid shot of hitman with gun ready – safety off (possibly)
20. Trigger finger close up – suspense

21. Bullet through chair behind. Target sniff (if possible). Target drink after a moment. Rain of bullets. 1 hit can/bottle in hand – 1 hit bottle to side.
22. Target spits out drink. Turns to window. Doesn’t see him.
23. Jumps behind chair. Hides behind it before peeking up and more bullets go over his head.
24. Hitman looks without scope – start in scope end out of scope with sneer on face.
25. Looking towards window target crawls hurriedly to window.
26. Against wall – target edges towards window – begins to look round. More bullets in. Target hides again against wall and slides down wall.
27. Hitman turns and puts his back against wall. Reloads rifle – camera pans through the wall and shows target crouched immediately after wall thickness. (FAKE SHOT)
28. High angle out of focus blind cord with target on floor below. Target looks up and focus changes. Reaches up.
29. Scope POV – blinds drop and bounce.
30. Target still on floor – twists cord for angle of blinds
31. Apartment window from outside – hitman grunts (distressed) and throws down his rifle. Leaves.
32. Side view of target – crouching looking through blinds.
33. Hitman crossing road – He passes camera and camera raises up to gun level shooting.
34. Target jumps back from window and backs away from door.
35. Shot on door – pause for sound of footsteps. Hitman crashes through door Low angle shot. Raises gun.
36. Target raises arms and backs away past the TV – Hitman steps forward at same time.(UNSURE ON CAMERA)
37. Close up on gun – Click – out of bullets.
38. Surprised close up of Hitman's face.
39. Hitman throws knife from jacket pocket and follows knife into Knife slow-mo past far side of target.
40. Hitman walks forwards, reloads pistol and cocks it – points to target.
41. Targets reaction close up – turns face away from hitman (and ninja mountain).
42. Close up of gun – swing to light switch flick on.
43. Target opens eyes and pats down body in disbelief – looks down side of arm and sees ‘Ninja Mountain’
44. Close up of Ninja Mountain to fast zoom out to reveal large bullet count

45. Target grabs Hitman leg for protection.
46. Hitman drags out target clinging on by leg.
47. Over Hitman shoulder ninja party outside motel – look left and look right.
48. Ninja Details – Cracking fists
49. Ninja Details - Neck crack (Smith from Matrix)
50. Ninja Details – Lamp post sword drawn
51. Hitman medium shot – slumped shoulders growl and sigh – target hides.
52. End Credits - Music

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