Saturday, 27 March 2010

More Texturing and a lil bit of weighting

So for the last couple of days I've been texturing - need to do a lot more tomorrow though. Hopefully finish most of it tomorrow. Its getting there now... just need to re-do the walls a little better and I appear to be getting a lot quicker at it now as well.

I had a go at re-weighting Ferhans rig. It didn't end up too pretty. I went back and had another look at the rig and weighting he had done and I ended up thinking it wasn't that bad... there were a couple of alterations however I think we could still use this rig - even if it is for the opening shots... I think its possible to do a walk cycle holding a briefcase either way. We shall see on Monday when Stu has a crack at it.

Monday - I have already attempted to get out of the prior engagement at work - I booked it in before I realised we were in every Monday as there were no timetables for us available on Moodle. I have managed to get out of half the thing I was going to which only lead me to being about 30mins to an hour later than most people arrive (10am) anyway. So thats not too bad.

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