I've been up since about 7 this morning working on importing files and doing a bit of PPD here and there. I managed to set up the A Drive that Dan Dalli mentioned last night for quicker and easier file transfers - once finished with a piece of work we can all access it which I think is a REALLY good idea. I'm not entirely sure if I want the 2nd Years to have access just yet considering they would be able to access the models and all the scenes etc - not sure how I feel about that at the moment.
This morning I have managed to - make cardboard boxes and alter the first one so they all are different, I have positioned these into the scene accordingly. I have also modelled a clock this morning - didn't take very long at all but its another area of back ground animation thats easier enough to do for one of the guys that doesn't want to animate (it was going to go in there anyway but I had never got round to it.
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