Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Face Rigs Trauma

Today consisted a meeting with Clym from the 2nd year - he really seems to know his stuff so thats all good. Also with a recommendation from Dalli we are happy for him to help with us on our project. Ferhan and I had a number of issues with the Hitman in that the teeth just won't sticking with the jaw as he was blend shaping it. This lead me to have 5minutes to brainstorm... problem solving is a strong point of mine. Eventually I came up with a number of solutions - 1 rig the face so we have a jaw bone - this would mean we have to re-do all the painting weights again and new bones and the blend shapes would 'BRACK' up big time (mess up). With this idea thrown away as Ferhan dismissed it led me to re-think another strategy. I had come up with a couple of others but Ferhan seemed to have done most of them.
Finally - we got it to work with - Combining the Two Jaws together (upper and lower) making them one Mesh. This ONE MESH was NOT combined to the body mesh (face). From this we moved the Verts separately - like in a blend shape....wait... NOT LIKE....EXACTLY THE SAME AS... this therefore allowed a seperate blend shape - as if the face and the hitman was not even present.... this should allow us to move one blend shape of the Jaw - animate along side it the teeth and hey presto - we have a lower jaw swinging down. I then considered that we can now apply the Set Driven Keys approach to this meaning that the Blend shape... will work as ONE - I know we've done it the wrong way however this was a stumper for Ferhan ... and Lewis as well I believe so I'm glad I managed to help out both teams.

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