Friday, 8 January 2010

Yet Another Fail...

Image above is obviously reflecting too much... and I see that. Easily tweaked as you can see below...

So I was attempting to get he colours of the boards right now without tweaking the light itself (as this would effect the room obviously. I came to the conclusion that I SHOULD defiantly be modelling and not doing lighting yet!!! still it was worth playing around with while I've got the time. I think Area lights may be a better way forward than Global Illumination but more tests are still needed obviously. The closest I got was these images where I actually selected the objects and over rid the Global Illumination settings (accuracy and Radius was all that could be effected) however this was still not quite the desired effect as it would appear I have lost shadows... did I have them before over ridding it? I can't remember however a glance below will tell me. Anyway...modelling and getting the room looking tip top is my first priority and I need to STOP playing around with lights!

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